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Please note this question was answered in 2011. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Microphlebotomy of vericose veins

Date: Nov 10, 2011


Would you code this as an unlisted 37799? I wasn't sure if microphlebectomy was the same as 37766? thanks MICROPHLEBOTOMY OF VARICOSE VEINS BOTH LOWER EXTREMITIES History: 60-year-old female with previously injected symptomatic large varicose veins of the both lower extremities. She has painful areas of entrapped blood. Indications: Symptomatic previously treated bilateral varicose veins. Medications: None Contrast: None Complications: None Technique: Confirmation of patient identification and the planned procedure were obtained. The courses of the large thrombosed varicosities along the anterior and posterior aspects of both legs were noted. The patient was then placed prone on the stretcher. Both legs were cleansed with alcohol from the buttock to the ankles. Microphlebotomy was performed as described below. Dressings were applied and she was turned supine. After additional alcohol cleansing, a total of more than 40 (including those on the back) small (2 mm) incisions were made in the various marked areas of each leg. Old blood was manually expressed from the various sites. Manual pressure was held. Gauze pads were placed over each incision. She tolerated the procedure well. Findings: The multiple large varicosities with entrapped blood from previous sclerotherapy in both legs were treated with microphlebotomy as described above with a very good early result. She tolerated the procedure well. Impression: Successful microphlebotomy of entrapped blood from previous sclerotherapy in both legs.
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