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Please note this question was answered in 2011. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Catheter placements and lower extremity revascularization

Date: Jul 11, 2011


Our hospital recently purchased both the cardiology and the IVR books. I have a question on one of the examples in the book.
In the Interventional Radiology book on page 232---example no. 1, when they did a selective catheterization in the contralateral leg and an S&I-there is no catheter placement code. I see they also did a PTA in same leg. Is it because they did a PTA also on same side? If that is the reason, then-if they had did a select cath and S&I on left leg and a PTA on right leg-then could you code the selective catheter placement, S&I and PTA?

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