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Please note this question was answered in 2010. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Date: Jan 20, 2010



This site has been my life line. Here I go with another AV fistula creation.
Local anesthetic was infiltrated along the previous surgical scar in the antecubital fossa. The skin incision was made overlying the previous incision and cautery was used to dissect down to the aneurysmal portion of the fistula. This segment of the fistula was mobilized circumferentially and the arteriovenous anastomosis was identified and dissected free. The fistula was doubly clamped and divided. The stump of the fistula, which was still attached to the vein, was oversewn with a GoreTex suture. This allowed the very small stump to act as a vein patch angioplasty to the brachial artery. The remaining segment of the aneurysmal portion of the vein was excised. The wound was then closed in layers with interrupted Vicryl in the deep tissue and a running Vicryl suture for the skin. Is this a revision of a fistula or ligation?

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