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Modified Miller Banding 36832

Date: Jan 25, 2024


We understand that traditional Miller banding on a dialysis fistula is considered an open revision and coded with 36832. Is the more minimally invasive “modified Miller banding” also considered open and coded with 36832? Or would it be considered percutaneous?

"Basilic vein was marked on the skin using duplex and local anesthetic applied. A small 15 blade was used to make a skin incision and the basilic vein was identified. Basilic then encircled with a Prolene and a stiff glidewire was placed on top of the basilic vein and a modified miller banding was then performed. Incision site was then irrigated and closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl buried deep dermal followed by 4-0 Monocryl and skin glue."

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