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Left chest wall tumor en-bloc with left upper lobectomy

Date: Jan 29, 2024


Is 21603 still reportable with 32480 when chest wall tumor is removed en-bloc with left lobe?

"Procedure: Thoracotomy was performed. The left upper lobe was found to be infiltrating a portion of the chest wall involving segments of ribs 3, 4, and 5. Therefore, this portion of the chest wall was resected en-bloc with the left upper lobe. The left 3, 4, and 5 ribs were transected anteriorly and posteriorly. The second intercostal space was cut along the upper border of the third rib to complete the resection of the chest wall. The left pulmonary vein was dissected free and transected with a stapler load. Finally, the left upper lobe bronchus was also dissected free and transected with load stapler. Then mediastinal lymphadenectomy was performed. The specimen was removed en-bloc from the operative field. Goretex patch, dual layer (20cm x 30cm) was used for plastic reconstruction of large chest wall defect."

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