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Popliteal aneurysm repair and coil emboliztation

Date: Jan 29, 2024


Is the coil embolization separately billed or included as part of 35151 for the popliteal aneurysm repair?

1. Right proximal popliteal artery to distal popliteal into the tibioperoneal trunk artery bypass with greater saphenous vein

2. Open thrombectomy of the right posterior tibial artery with fogarty balloon

3. Open thrombectomy of the right anterior tibial artery with fogarty balloon

4. Ligation of the right popliteal artery aneurysm

5. Right lower extremity arteriogram with supervision and interpretation

6. Embolization of two separate right popliteal genicular arteries using terumo azur 035 coils.

7. Selective catheterization of two separate genicular arteries

"We then used a navicross and glide wire advantage and selectively catheterized the popliteal artery genicular branch. Two terumo coils 5x11mm were then deployed. We then selectively catheterized a second genicular popliteal artery branch and coil embolized with a 6x17mm genicular branch"

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