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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Central Venogram thru temporary hemodialysis catheter and removal

Date: Dec 4, 2023


How would you code for the central venogram through the central venous catheter and then the removal of the catheter? I was thinking of only using code 36598.

"The left neck was prepped and draped, and the anchoring sutures were removed. The indwelling catheter was retracted into the peripheral aspect of the left brachiocephalic vein, from which a central venogram was performed. Imaging showed no central venous stenosis or central venous mural thrombus. It was felt that this patient would best be served by placing a Quinton catheter in a different location (reported separately). The Quinton catheter was then removed, and manual compression achieved hemostasis."

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