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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

93622 Supportive vs Diagnostic

Date: Nov 20, 2023


Patient presents for PVI ablation for persistent A-fib. TEE is performed, and RT atrium is mapped. Next (before TS puncture or any ablations are done) "Left ventricuclar pacing and recording was performed via the coronary sinus... to augment hemodynamic stability as opposed to RV pacing and to provide catheter stability during atrial fibrillation." This sounds suspiciously like a supportive measure to me, rather than diagnostic. No findings from the LT ventricle recordings are documented in the report, and VT is not documented either, although the patient does have a history of NSVT. Do you believe that the text I have quoted supports reporting 93622?

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