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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

stents x 2 or x 3 or?

Date: Nov 10, 2023


I coded the following as 37238 and 37239 x 2. Was this correct?

"Indication/findings: Better visualized focal stenosis at the right transverse sigmoid sinus junction with long segment narrowing of the right transverse sinus and occipital superior sagittal sinus. Procedure: Stenting of the superior sagittal sinus was subsequently performed using a 6 x 40 mm PRECISE stent. Next, a 7 x 30 mm stent was placed across the torcula into the right proximal transverse sinus. Next, a 7 x 40 mm stent was placed into the right transverse sinus. Finally, a 8 x 40 mm stent was placed from the transverse to the sigmoid sinus."

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