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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

IVUS Pullback

Date: Oct 24, 2023


We have a physician documenting IVUS in the lower extremity like this: "We then performed intravascular ultrasound. This was necessary as the angiogram did not adequately demonstrate location of wire as well as morphology of plaque. The findings are as follows: Please note, we performed individual intravascular ultrasound, which was distinct from the pullback. In the peroneal artery, there was no significant stenosis appreciated. The tibioperoneal trunk

had no significant stenosis. We were indeed in the true lumen. The popliteal artery had 100% occlusion. There was soft plaque and what appeared to be chronic thrombus. The superficial femoral artery had mild stenosis measuring

20%-25% diffusely. The common femoral artery had no significant stenosis." Would you count each individual vessel as a separate 37253? We have still been only giving credit for 1 vessel as it still seems to be a pullback even though they are documenting it isn't.

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