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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Multiple endarterectomies

Date: Oct 17, 2023


"Limited incision was made thru subcutaneous tissue with cautery. The femoral sheath was sharply incised. A severely diseased artery was identified that was circumferentially severely calcified. Dissection extended under the inguinal ligament where the external iliac artery was controlled. Heparin was administered. Longitudinal arteriotomy was made with a #11 scalpel and then extended with a Potts scissors. Severe calcific and mixed plaque in the common femoral artery was identified. Endarterectomy was extended up into the distal external iliac artery. Separate endarterectomy profunda femoris artery was necessary due to the extent of the plaque. Good backbleeding was obtained. The SFA was endarterectomized as the saphenofemoral junction was noted to be relatively low. Primary closure of the endarterectomized vessels was undertaken with running 6-0 Prolene suture."

Would you code this as 35355 and 35372-- is "arteriotomy was extended" to bill both?

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