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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

IVUS seperate sites

Date: Oct 3, 2023


After angiogram done -I pass an intravascular ultrasound through the right common femoral artery, superficial femoral, popliteal, tibial peroneal trunk, posterior tibial arteries. This demonstrated patent right common femoral artery, occluded right superficial femoral artery stent, 60% stenosis of the right popliteal in the P1 plus P2 segments but patent P3 segment, patent tibioperoneal trunk and posterior tibial arteries without stenosis. I see 37252 and 37253 x2 . My coworker thinks it is pull back and only gives 37252. but there are 3 separate pathologies (with tibio being patent) also if you could clarify if SFA and CFA are the same or separate vessels for IVUS imaging.

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