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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Clarification Please! Distal Abdominal aortography confusion!

Date: Oct 6, 2023


I have read that you don't use code 75625 unless you were at LEAST high at the level of the renal arteries, so with that being said, if a doctor only states he was at the DISTAL AORTA (I'm thinking right above the bifurcation), and an abdominal aortography with bilateral iliofemoral angiography with runoffs was performed with the catheter tip in the distal aorta, then I'm thinking that 75630 is my code.

Now, what happens if he then advances the catheter and puts it in the left common femoral artery and does a selective angiography there? There are now two different studies (but they aren't high and low), so do we forget about needing to be high up by the renals and then go with 75625 and 75710 or what?

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