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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Attempted NIPS performed during an office visit

Date: Oct 16, 2023


Our provider documents the following during a patient office visit in our office:

"Attempt to perform non-invasive EP study with atrial tachycardia pacing to terminate his atrial flutter due to significant symptoms with atrial flutter and high ventricular rate of 130 bpm. Atrial tachycardia pacing (ATP) was performed at 230, 220, 200, 180 ms in both bipolar configuration and unipolar configuration. Despite multiple attempts of ATP's, atrial flutter was not able to terminate."

Would we be able to bill code 93724 even though he was unable to convert the aflutter to sinus rhythm? Also, are you able to bill this in addition to the E/M code?

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