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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

LBB Lead placed to LV endocardium

Date: Sep 27, 2023


I know from previous Q&As you state when a LBB lead is placed it is coded to the location of the placement, typically in the RV septum. I'm starting to see providers state they are placing the LBB lead to the LV endocardium. Would this support reporting with 33225?

"A permanent pacing lead was advanced to the RV septum and positioned in the LV endocardium for direct left bundle branch capture where a stable position with satisfactory sensing and pacing characteristics were obtained. Successful upgrade of St Jude dual chamber pacemaker to a Bi-V PM (CRT-P) with addition of LV endocardial lead for direct left bundle capture."

Would you code this as: 33233, 33207 OR 33229, 33225? Patient does have existing RA/RV leads from previous system implant.

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