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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Embolization of veins from a femoropopliteal graft

Date: Sep 18, 2023


Not sure of catheter placement codes and which embolization code to use for this report.

"Endovascular revascularization of the RT lower extremity requiring embolization of multiple vein branches of the right femoropopliteal vein graft to include a direct arteriovenous fistula. The Left common femoral artery was cannulation in retrograde fashion. The catheter was advanced into the proximal aorta for imaging. The catheter was advanced into the contralateral right common femoral artery for right selective angiography. The catheter was advanced into the fem-pop bypass graft for super selective imaging. Decision was made to embolize venous branches from the mid to lower fem-pop vein graft to optimize perfusion into the widely patent trifurcation vessels below the popliteal artery. A microcatheter was advanced into 4 vein branches from the mid to distal fem-pop vein graft and coil embolization was performed. One branch vessel from the vein graft directly communicates with the femoral artery representing a direct arteriovenous fistula."

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