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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

IS IT 92941?

Date: Sep 20, 2023


I have an unusual case and need your help. Patient presented with NSTEMI in the middle of the night. He was responsive to nitro, and it was decided to defer consult until the morning. Throughout the night the pain waxed and waned, and he was responsive to increased nitro each time. When the cardiologist consulted in the morning, the patient stated he was having difficulty breathing.

"Impression: NSTEMI: Patient is having post-infarction angina and is developing heart failure. Emergent heart catherization recommended."

Stent was placed in the circumflex with resolution of symptoms. I'm having difficulty deciding whether to bill 92941 vs. 92928. It is documented the patient had an acute MI of the circumflex; however, with the initial deferral and the mention of POST- infarction angina, does the emergent status still allow for the stent to be reported using 92941?

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