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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

botox and albation salivery glands

Date: Sep 12, 2023



100 units of Botox was diluted in 4 mL normal saline.

Real-time sonographic guidance was utilized to advance 25-gauge needle into each of the 4 major

salivary glands (bilateral parotid and bilateral submandibular) with injection of 20 units Botox

across each gland diffusely under constant sonographic visualization.


Real-time sonographic guidance was utilized to advance 25-gauge needle into each of the

submandibular glands which were each laced with 0.5 mL 3% Sotradecol (dehydrated alcohol not



Ultrasound-guided Botox injection of all for salivary glands (20 units each)

Ultrasound-guided chemical ablation of the submandibular glands (0.5 mL 3% Sotradecol each)

dx: sialorrhea

would the ablation be coded separate from the 64611? And would it be unlisted 42699?

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