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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Aug 23, 2023


Would additional catheterizations and imaging (LT innominate, RT brachiocephalic) outside of the target treatment zone be separately reportable in the case below or is this included in 0644T?

"Right common femoral vein access. Catheterized Right external iliac vein. Venography was necessary due to questionable thrombus noted on ultrasound. Additionally, the patient has a left groin dialysis catheter which can make the patient more susceptible to thrombi. There is concern that the catheter may

either induce a scar, stenosis, or thrombotic event that would be worsened by advancement of large sheath.

Findings: Widely patent external and common iliac veins as well as the inferior vena cava. No evidence of high-grade stenosis, occlusion, or thrombus formation.

Catheterized Left innominate vein. Findings: Widely patent left innominate vein. With patent superior vena cava and right atrium. Suspicion for continued fibrin sheath within the superior vena cava. No evidence of complication such as active extravasation.

Catheterized Right brachiocephalic vein.

Findings: Patent right brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava. Small residual fibrin sheath noted. No definite complication. No obvious large pulmonary thrombus.

Mechanical or aspiration thrombectomy Venous segment treated: Right atrium and superior vena cava

Transesophageal echocardiogram findings: TEE was performed by the anesthesiology service.

This was used to successfully advance the flush catheter to the fibrin sheath with subsequent aspiration of the vegetations. Selection and aspiration was performed under real-time TEE guidance. There was visualization of the thrombectomy. No evidence of embolization material by TEE."

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