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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Aortic Valve Exploration

Date: Aug 15, 2023


How would the following be reported during a mitral valve replacement (aortic valve exploration no repair or foreign body/mass or thrombus removal)? 

"There was questionable thickening of the aortic valve involving the noncoronary cusp. Due to the questionable nature the decision was made to explore the aortic valve. An aortotomy was then created above the right coronary artery. The aortic valve was then inspected this demonstrated small lumen like sac lesions along the left coronary cusp and there was some calcification on the ventricular side of the noncoronary cusp however there were no obvious vegetations. The aortotomy was then closed with a running 4-0 Prolene suture."

Would this also be reported, and with unlisted code 33999?

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