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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

AVM embolization of leg 37242

Date: Jan 24, 2023


Three (3) 4F micropuncture catheters were placed under real-time ultrasound guidance into the right greater saphenous vein and proximal and mid tributaries of the RT greater saphenous vein via direct puncture x2 followed by subselective catheterizatiom of the right'genicular artery to achieve the most comprehensive coverage of the lesions.

A thorough assessment of flow dynamics and deep venous connections as well as the potential for nontarget embolization due to anomalous anatomy was performed. Embolization x3 was then performed using an embolic slurry with continuous reassessment of anatomy in between doses using both color flow duplex and angiography.

I believe 37242 for one separately identifiable area with 36245. Dr. wants 3 (MUE 2). Are there multiple separately identifiable surgical areas in the leg? Groin? thigh ankle?

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