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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Atrial flutter ablation w/ PVI and multiple left atrial flutters

Date: Nov 4, 2022


"Patient arrived in atrial flutter. An ablation line was created from the right sup PV to the antral mitral valve annulus with shift of a flutter at 330 msec. Ablation from the left sup PV and the anterior mitral valve annulus terminated the atrial flutter. We noted a different (concentric) atrial flutter. Ablation from the LSPV to the RSPV resulted in termination of this atrial flutter. Conclusion: Successful ablation of three different left atrial flutters." 

Would this only be reported as 93653 since the atrial flutter ablation was all in the PVs, or would we also report code 93655 for the "different (concentric)" atrial flutter ablation?

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