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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

3D Cloacagram with VCUG and Colostogram

Date: Nov 2, 2022


What codes would we use to capture everything done during a pediatric cloacagram? These are performed for surgical planning and include a distal colostogram (74270?) performed by hand injection of Cysto-Conray via Foley catheter in mucus fistula. There is also a vaginogram via catheter placed in common opening. Also, they perform 3D cone beam CT acquisition of the contrast filled bladder, vagina, and distal colon with image post processing performed on a separate workstation. These are the codes we have so far: 51600, 74455, 74270, 76377, and 76380. Would you agree with these?

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