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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

pcn to preop pcnl

Date: Oct 3, 2022


"Moderate sedation was provided by nursing under cardiac monitoring during 44 minutes. Versed 1.5 mg IV, Fentanyl 100 mcg IV, Levaquin 500 mg IV. Description: Maximal sterile barrier and technique were utilized. Time out performed. Patient prone. Lidocaine 1% was delivered around the existing left PCN. Antegrade nephrostogram was performed. Large pelvis stones. Non dilated ureter and good contrast flow to bladder. The PCN was cut and wired. Exchange with a 8F x 23 sheath. The wire was manipulated to pass around the UPJ large stone down to the ureter, into the bladder. Antegrade nephrostogram confirmed appropriate position. The sheath was sutured and bandage was applied on the looped wire. No complications. Impression: Pre-op PCNL as above."

Would above be considered a conversion, and would you use 50434?

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