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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Sep 23, 2022


I work on the hospital side, but I'm interested in how both the hospital and the physician side should code for this. My doctors are performing something that looks very similar to an Angiovac, except this device is called a Alphavac, and guidance from the manufacture for this device is saying this should be billed out as 37187.

"Procedure detail: AlphaVac vacuum-assisted debulking of the right atrial mass/thrombus. Technique: Under fluoroscopic guidance in the angiolab, a 25 French Alphavac multi-purpose mechanical aspiration cannula was advanced into the right atrium where the cannula was angled to engage the mobile mass/thrombus and approximately 90% decrease in the size of the mass/thrombus was confirmed on intracardiac echo."

Should we bill 36013 and 37187 (not sure if I can bill for the intracardiac echo here), or should I bill for 0644T? 

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