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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Billing for Additional afib ablation after PVI ablation 93657

Date: Oct 10, 2022


EP provider completes PVI ablation and confirms entrance and exit block from the pulmonary veins (93656). He documented patient had known typical atrial flutter and does a CTI ablation (93655).

"And then complete ablation of the right atrial subeustachian isthmus and the left atrial Marshall bundle were identified as possible potentiating triggers for atrial fibrillation and were therefore ablated for atrial fibrillation remaining after pulmonary vein isolation." 

Can I bill 93657 x 2 for the ablation of the right atrial subeustachian isthmus and the left atrial Marshall bundle with the documentation provided above?

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