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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Atrial Tachycardia Ablation

Date: Aug 12, 2022


"A Baylis needle and created a 3D geometry and activation of the left atrial while in tachycardia this was a very meticulous procedure since arrhythmia will terminate by catheter manipulation we had to reinduce over and over the earliest activation was in the anteroseptal portion but we could not get pre P wave activation we then change attention to the right atrium and using a great catheter at the same catheter used to map the left side we mapped the right atrial activation again in the very meticulous way the earliest activation was just above and behind the His bundle area this area had a significant amount of complex fractionation. Atrial tachycardia induced and map to the right atrial septum just behind the His bundle. Successful atrial tachycardia ablation."

We are thinking of reporting code 93656. Would you agree?

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