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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Large bore access catheter placement reporting

Date: Aug 12, 2022


Based on a prior question "Angiograms for large bore access" Question ID 12066 from 2/21/19, we should not charge for the iliofemoral angiography since it was for guidance. Our follow up question is can we code the selective catheter placement into the common iliac arteries (36245-50)? Here is the report: LHC w/o LV study. Coronary angiogram. Selective bilateral CIA angiography with r/o to bilateral CFA bifurcations. This was performed via right radial artery access...A selective RCIA and LCIA angiography with runoff to the bilateral CFA bifurcations was performed. Findings: Severe multi-vessel CAD...the arteries in the bilateral iliofemoral systems are of adequate caliber to accommodate large-bore access. The bifurcations of the bilateral common femoral arteries are above the inferior border of the femoral head; conducive to large-bore access." Thank you!

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