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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Can E/M code be billed when diagnostic procedure is determined not needed?

Date: Aug 15, 2022


Can a radiologist bill an E/M visit for a report such as the following?

"The patient presented today for diagnostic follow-up of a focal asymmetry marked in the posterior lower inner quadrant of the left breast on screening mammograms of 3/14/2022. However, in review of prior studies, this area is a stable chronic findings consistent with a previously demonstrated sebaceous cyst, demonstrating no appreciable change in size or appearance dating back to mammograms of 9/23/2015, and also seen on multiple earlier studies dating back to 2003. In 2013, this area was notably larger in size and underwent ultrasound-guided aspiration on 5/24/2013 with cytology indicating only inflammatory changes and no malignant cells. I discussed today with the patient the benignity of the previous work-up and the chronic appearance of this lesion over numerous prior studies, and I advised that additional diagnostic work-up was not necessary today, but still offered diagnostic work-up if she desired. The patient was satisfied with no diagnostic work-up."

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