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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

37248/37249 - IVC

Date: Jul 25, 2022


If an angioplasty is performed in three separate areas of the IVC ["suprarenal" inferior vena cava (60% stenosis), "infrarenal" inferior vena cava (50%), "retrohepatic" inferior vena cava (60%)], would it be appropriate to code three units? 37248, 37249 x 2.

I see this frequently from one of my clinics, and we are getting MUE edits for these codes. Typically during these types of cases, the surgeon is also doing venoplasties of the lower limbs. So, the codes I typically see are like: 37248-50, 37249-50, 37249-XS, 37249-XS, 37249-XS, 36011, 75822-XU.

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