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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

CHD cases w/ Nitric Oxide Study. New code 93598?

Date: May 25, 2022


Example 1: The baseline study was performed in roomair, demonstrating elevated @ 2/3 systemic PAp with PAm=39 mmHg and wedge=24 mmHg, simultaneous LVEDP=15 mmHg with LAm=23 mmHg. There was Qp/Qs=1.5/1 from his PFO with normal Rp=2.2. When his PFO was temporarily test occluded briefly, his LAm increased to nearly 43 mmHg with LVEDP=30 mmHg, demonstrating the importance of maintaining his PFO patentcy.

Nitric Study: He was placed in 100 % O2 with 40 ppm NO for 10 minutes. Repeat hemodynamic measurement was obtained, demonstrating reduction of her PAm = 28 mmHg with wedge=21 mmHg, simultaneous LA=22 mmHg with LVEDP=17 mmHg. His calculated Rp decreased to 1.3 woods unit.

Example 2: The patient was placed on 40PPM nitric oxide and 100% FIO2 and the sweep was repeated. Is this enough documentation for 93598?

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