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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Jan 26, 2022


The patient was positioned supine. Initial imaging was performed. Under ultrasound guidance, the needle was advanced and positioned adjacent to the left phrenic nerve. 4 mL of Lidocaine and 125 mg of Solu-Medrol were injected at the target. The needle was removed and a sterile bandage was applied.

Is the phrenic nerve a peripheral nerve? If so, would you code the above IR procedure with 64450 and 76942-26?

Or, code it with 64999 and 76942-26 according to information I found online that CPT code 64410 was deleted at the end of 2019 and to instructed to use unlisted CPT code 64999 for phrenic nerve block injection along with guidance CPT code.

As always, thank you for your assistance! I hope to see you either in person or online for your May 2022 seminar!

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