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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Coding ischemia from myocardial perfusion stress test results

Date: Feb 9, 2022


Simple question here from a relatively green coder:

What is the correct diagnosis code to use when patient presents with symptoms for myocardial perfusion stress test and the report findings indicate ischemia with one of the below phrases:

"ischemia in 1% of myocardium"

"small area of partially reversible defect in x wall(s), consistent w/ ischemia"

"region of ischemia"

I use I25.6, silent myocardial ischemia if the ordering diagnoses do not include symptoms but what if chest pain (or other symptoms) is the ordering diagnosis? What is the correct ICD-10 CM code to capture the ischemia then?

I25.5...I would think the cardiomyopathy part must be stated by a provider....?

I24.9 and I25.9....I don't know the duration as this is from a diagnostic test report.

CAD...These images only show "areas" of perfusion, right? Not specific vessels.



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