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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

correct code for spinal angio's & embolization fo L2 hemangioma

Date: Nov 5, 2021


What is the correct code for spinal angios and embolization for L2 hemangioma? 

"Once we were satisfied with our diagnostic images, we removed the HS1 cath and introduced the Mikaelsson cath with a 0.035 wire. This was then introduced into the LT L-3 radicular feeder going into tumor. We then proceeded to connect this to a flush line and introduced an Echelon cath with a Synchro 2 standard micro wire into a copilot sys through the Mikaelsson cath into the radicular vessel. We then deployed our first 4 x 2 Tornado coil and then proceeded to use a mixture of particle embolisate of 100 PVA and 200 PVA under direct fluoro visualization into the radicular feeder going into the tumor blush. There was no reflux. Once satisfied with this embolization, we removed our microcath and then used the Mikaelsson to access the right L-3 radicular feeder. We then used a similar sequence of steps using our Echelon and Synchro 2 standard to access into left radicular feeder and deployed a 4x2 Tornado coil. We then proceeded to use our Echelon to subselect into the vessels going into the tumor feeder and deployed our mixture of 100 & 200 PVA particles."

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