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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Symphysis Pubis injection, #3255 Revisited

Date: Nov 1, 2021


I have been trying to determine if the Symphysis Pubis (pubic symphysis) is considered a small or intermediate joint when it comes to arthrocentesis or injections made into the joint for pain control. Have found no two sources that agree on the size of this joint, although I did find that 'intermediate' can also refer to the type of joint. In your answer to question #3255 Feb 2012 you wrote, "It could be coded as 20605 (minor joint injection)," but the correct code for a minor joint injection is 20600, not 20605. Could you please clarify if injection into this joint should be coded as minor 20600, or intermediate 20605?

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