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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

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Date: Dec 6, 2021


I read where even though no catheter used CT and MR angiograms are considered catheter based. If a patient has a CT angiogram at 800 and it shows Active contrast extravasation in the pyelocalyceal system in the midpole of the LEFT kidney. Later that day the patient is taken to IVU and has a left renal angiogram, segmental left renal angiogram and embolization. The doctor notes in his dictation the left renal hemorrhage noted on CT angiogram. In this case I don't believe the angiogram done by IVU would be billable because the hemorrhage was seen on the CT angiogram. Is that correct? What if CT angiogram done on a Monday for lower extremity but atherectomy done on Wednesday, would the angiograms done in the IVU at that time be billable? The doctor gives detailed findings of each angiogram done. It seems to me that the CT angiogram showed the problem and unless there is a change in the patient condition the angiograms done in IVU prior to the intervention would not be billable. What if IVU angiograms done a month after CT angiogram? Thank you

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