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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

EPS followed by PPM insertion and AV node ablation

Date: Jan 18, 2021


Would it be appropriate to charge for the following limited EP study followed by a PPM implant and then AV node ablation? What code(s) would be appropriate? 

"Using the modified Seldinger technique, a 7 French sheath was placed in the right femoral vein. Through this sheath, a duo decapolar catheter was placed to the right atrium, sitting anterior to the crista terminalis, with the distal poles in the coronary sinus. Activation mapping was performed. The right atrium had a chevron appearance of activation. Entrainment was performed from the CTI, which was found to be out of the circuit, with a long PPI minus TCL. The CS was found to be within the circuit. The tachycardia was consistent with mitral annular flutter." 

The PPM insertion and AV node ablation that followed were appropriately documented and were all performed in the same session.

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