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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

DPA/ Distal ATA .035 cath aspiration thrombectomy and angioplasty CPT code

Date: Oct 15, 2020


"The ATA was selected with a glide wire and crossing cath and selective arteriogram performed of the distal ATA and DPA showing focal nearly occlusive filling defect in the very distal ATA and another high grade stenosis at the ankle joint in the proximal DPA. The distal DPA was surprisingly good caliber making 2.5mm angioplasty viable. 200 mcg of nitroglycerine was slowly instilled into the ATA through a cath. The 014 wire was advanced through the crossing cath into the distal ATA across the ankle into the DPA into the first dorsolateral DPA branch on the dorsum of the foot. The .035 crossing cath was removed and the .014 crossing cath advanced over the wire into the DPA . The wire was replaced into the the DPA and lateral branch crossing cath removed and the 2.5mm balloon was advanced over the wire and angioplasty performed of the diseased distal ATA segment and stenosed proximal DPA segment into the mid DPA where it was of good caliber." Is this 34203 and 37228, or 37229?

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