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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Popliteal aneurysm repair w/ SVG bypass & tibial thrombectomy

Date: Oct 14, 2020


"Patient found to have popliteal aneurysm with embolization. Incision made in left thigh and GSV harvested. The above-knee popliteal artery was then isolated just above the aneurysm through an incision just above the knee. A 0 Ethibond tie was passed around the pop artery where the aneurysm began. The below-knee pop artery was then isolated. The tibial veins were taken down to allow access to the anterior tibial artery and TP trunk. The pop artery was ligated with Ethibond ties proximally and distally. The prox pop artery below abductor canal was clamped, and arteriotomy was made. The GSV was then sewn in place with 6-0 prolene. A #4 #3 Fogarty cath was passed down the anterior tibial artery and down the peroneal. The thrombus debris was removed." Would this procedure be coded with code 35151 only for the aneurysm repair? We just wanted to make sure the thrombectomy could not be coded separately.

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