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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Extraction Endarterectomy with LE Bypass

Date: Oct 13, 2020


My physician wants to bill 35371, 35372, and 35566. Please see the below portion of the operative note discussing the endarterectomies. My question is, can I bill for the extraction endarterectomy of the PFA along with the bypass? My thinking is that an endarterectomy is an endarterectomy, regardless if it was extraction or not. Also, are not the CFA, SFA, and PFA all contiguous? My proposed coding to the surgeon is 35566 and 35700. "A standard endarterectomy of both the external iliac, common femoral, and profunda femoris artery was performed. A cleavage plane was created, and the artery was pushed gently away from the plaque with a Freer elevator. An Extraction endarterectomy of the profunda femoris artery was performed." He then states, " this juncture, I redirected my attention to the profunda femoris artery, which is separated from the patch as a separate inflow." He then performs a profunda femoris to anterior tibial bypass. Is my coding correct, or am I missing something?

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