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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Coccygeal nerve ablation would the new CPT code 64625 be more appropriate

Date: Dec 15, 2020


Would the RFA of the coccygeal nerve be coded as 64999 as part of the ganglia sympathetic nerves or 64625? Does the coccygeal nerve innervate the SI joint? "A 22 gauge curved RF needle was advanced under intermittent biplanar fluoroscopic guidance until the needle tip made bony contact on the left aspect of the coccyx. The needle was then 'walked off' 2 mm. A radiofrequency ablation lesion at 42C was then made over 240 seconds. The needle was then retracted advanced to make bony contact on the right aspect of the coccyx. This was confirmed with AP fluoroscopy."

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