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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Hip Nerve Block

Date: Sep 23, 2020


"Right hip: 1. Right articular branch of femoral nerve anesthetic ultrasound and fluoroscopy block. 2. Right superior articular branch of obturator nerve anesthetic ultrasound and fluoroscopy block. 3. Right inferior articular branch of obturator nerve anesthetic ultrasound and fluoroscopy block. Using ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance a 22g 150 mm spinal needle was advanced to the anteromedial aspect of the extraarticular portion of the hip joint where the articular branch of the femoral nerve traverses until a bony endpoint is felt. Attempted aspiration yielded no blood. 1 cc of 2% lidocaine was injected through the needle. The needle was then withdrawn. Using ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance the needle was advanced to the incisura of the acetabulum where the articular branch of the obturator nerve traverses until a bony endpoint was met. Attempted aspiration yielded no blood. Radiographs were made. 1 cc 2% lidocaine was injected through..." Since the obturator nerve is a separate nerve, can CPT 64450 be reported twice?

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