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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Shockwave Codes

Date: Oct 2, 2020


I have not been able to find any guidance on whether the new Shockwave codes (C9764-C9767) can be billed in the same territory as 37220-37235. The codes currently do not have any NCCI edits, so it would seem they can be reported together without resulting in claim errors. However, I noticed the new codes are assigned to the same APC payment as their 37220-37235 counterparts, which would seem to result in double-billing. For example, should Shockwave lithotripsy and CSI atherectomy of the SFA territory be billed as C9766 and 37225, or only C9766 since the description includes atherectomy and the APC payment is the same, even though the codes do not edit?

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