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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

93602/93610 or 93799

Date: Sep 18, 2020


Could you please take a look at the following and instruct us what CPT codes you would use based on the documentation? "Right atrial electrocardiography. Entrainment mapping of the cavotricuspid isthmus. Intracardiac cardioversion via his implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).  Right and left inguinal areas were anesthetized with 1% local lidocaine. Hemostatic introducer sheaths were placed percutaneously in the right and left femoral veins using modified Seldinger technique. Multipolar recording and ablating electrodes were advanced from the femoral veins to the right atrium. Entrainment mapping from the cavotricuspid isthmus produced classic entrainment with a change in the atrial activation and a long post pacing interval. With that finding, it was felt to represent a non-cavotricuspid isthmus of dependent atrial flutter. I elected to cardiovert him and will plan to try to suppress his arrhythmia with antiarrhythmic drug."

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