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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Direct punture sclerosis of a vastus lateralis fatty infiltrate

Date: Jul 7, 2020


Patient has left thigh pain with fatty infiltrate of vastus lateralis muscle, here for direct puncture sclerosis, treating like a vascular malformation. "Sequentially accessed different points w/in malformation w/21 gauge needle injecting contrast to determine anatomy of lesion. Sotradecol foam injected to spread w/in lesion. Skin cleaned & dressed. Then RT CFA accessed, wire passed centrally, 5 F4 C2 cath passed over wire to select LT ICA anterior division (36247) w/imaging (75736-LT), Cath then pulled back &selected LT CFA (36248) w/ imaging (75710-LT) which showed no abnormal vascularity. Final was LT vastus lateralis focal fatty infiltration being treated as a vascular malforamtion. No evidence of AV malformation." This sounds like a direct puncture varicose vein sclerosis, but there was no vascular findings or location treated. How will this procedure be coded?

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