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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

His bundle pacing/mapping lead placement

Date: Jul 2, 2020


Can you tell me if we can code anything for the pacing and/or mapping done to place a His bundle lead at time of new dual pacemaker implant? "The guide wire was advanced in the RVOT, and the sheath was positioned to stay just behind the tricuspid valve in RAO position. Then a Medtronic 3830-69 cm lead was advanced into the sheath. The lead was connected to the PSA cable/mapping system in a unipolar fashion. Unipolar mapping of His bundle signals was then performed, and a location was found where excellent His signal was noted with HV of around 48 ms. The lead was tested both in unipolar and bipolar fashion. Then the sheath was removed by splitting. The lead was secured to the pectoral muscle using two 0-Ethibond sutures. Non-selective pacing was achieved, but pacing threshold was 1.25 V @ 1ms. As such, non-selective pacing site was finally chosen for pacing site was finally chosen for pacing. Ventricular threshold of < 1 V @ 0.4 ms was achieved." My understanding is the His pacing lead is including in the dual pacemaker implant 33208. Can you advise?

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