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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Reportable as AVF Ligation or Revision?

Date: Jun 26, 2020


Is this reportable as AVF ligation or revision? "Post-op complication of AVF revision (aneurysm resection and angioplasty). Post-op diagnosis: Wound hematoma, ANASTOMOTIC BREAKDOWN. Clinical Indications: Bleeding fistula wound. Description of procedure: Prevail prep was used, and the right arm was isolated as a sterile field. The previous incision was opened by removing the staples and cutting the vicryl sutures. Blood immediately exploded out of the incision, and clot and blood were evacuated from the wound and control was obtained first by arterial pressure and then rapidly both the venous and arterial sides were controlled with vascular clamps. The arterial side was doubly ligated with silk and over sewn with a 4-0 prolene. The venous side was doubly ligated with silk. The wound was irrigated with the pulse irrigator and closed with nylon and staples. Findings: Completely disrupted anastomosis."

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