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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Dynamic Fluoro

Date: Jun 18, 2020


Dynamic fluoro. Should this be billed as 76000 or x-ray? This is global. "TECHNIQUE: Dynamic fluoroscopy of the left thumb/wrist was performed with flexion and extension of the thumb and abduction and abduction. COMPARISON: None. FINDINGS: There is widening of the interspace between the first metacarpal base and second metacarpal base as well as widening of the first metacarpal base interspace relative to the trapezoid with abduction of the thumb. The interspace changes from approximately 3 mm in adduction to 5 mm in abduction. Mild DRUJ and radiolunate osteoarthritis. No significant instability in flexion or extension of the thumb. IMPRESSION: Widening of the first/second metacarpal base interspace with abduction of the thumb in the setting of prior first CMC arthroplasty."

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