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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

His Lead to RV for LV s/p Biventricular ICD

Date: Jun 19, 2020


Biventricular ICD implanted but they couldn't get the LV lead in. They finally gave up and the patient had an ICD with an RA and RV lead implanted. They attempted the LV, but "All branches of the CS were attempted but TH below 5 were not attainable." So they gave up on the lead. Later they decided to go back in and implant a His lead in the RV. So this is a return to the OR to put this lead in. My understanding is we can't bill the LV codes for it because it is a His lead, but what can we bill? Can we use 33216 if there is already an RA and RV? Is it an unlisted procedure?

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