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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Spatiotemporal Dispersion Ablation

Date: Jun 23, 2020


The patient presents with persistent atrial fib. After pulmonary vein isolation and ablation in the RSPV, LSPV, and LIPV (93656), the documentation then reports spatiotemporal dispersion and ablation. Would this ST dispersion be reported with 93657? "SPATIOTEMPORAL (ST) DISPERSION. SP dispersion was defined as areas where 3 or more pentaray bipoles had signals that spanned most of the Afib cycle length. 2 areas of ST dispersion were identified. 1- Along the posterior wall floor below the RIPV 2- Anterior to the RIPV. ABLATION: Areas with ST dispersion: 40W power was used to ablate in the two areas but no change in AFib cycle length was noted."

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